In July, we kicked off our 2023-2024 year with a three-day officer retreat in Atascadero, CA. The retreat marked the start of our officers’ journey, as they embraced the theme "Emerge into the Unknown" by stepping outside their comfort zones. One of the highlights was ziplining through Santa Margarita Ranch, an exhilarating experience that brought everyone closer together. Throughout their time, they engaged in team-building exercises, sharpened life skills, and poured their energy into leadership workshops. These activities not only strengthened their bond but also set the stage for the year ahead. The officers created a detailed Plan of Action (POA), mapping out monthly meetings and exciting special activities. Their collective goal: EMERGE, to break barriers and build a stronger, more resilient chapter.
Despite being a small chapter, we demonstrated immense strength and dedication, actively participating in over 37 events throughout the year. Our involvement ranged from regular chapter meetings and community service days to leadership conferences. At the state level, our Small Engines Team earned 3rd place overall, with Peter Hay achieving First High Individual honors. Additionally, our Parliamentary Procedure team shined, winning the Sectional title, securing 4th place in the San Joaquin Region, and advancing to the state finals. Several of our members earned high individual accolades and went on to represent us at the regional level.
Ava Wetzel earned another regional title in Proficiencies for her SAE Ag Sales Entrepreneurship project, further showcasing her exceptional leadership and dedication. Our chapter was also highly active at the sectional, regional, and state levels, participating in events such as ALA, MFE, field days, the State Conference, FARMS Leadership, GLC, and SLE. We proudly had candidates nominated for both regional and sectional offices, with Bree Goessman being slated for regional and Maddison Misuraca being slated for a sectional leadership position, eventually securing a sectional office.
Throughout the year, our members competed in various LDEs and CDEs, bringing home an array of ribbons, medals, and plaques. On campus, we hosted numerous chapter events, including our monthly meetings, FFA Week activities like “Pie an Officer & Ag Teacher,” and a multitude of community service projects.
The Kern County Fair was a major success for our chapter, with 23 members showcasing six livestock species. Some of the highlights included:
Emma Judge: Grand Champion Commercial Beer Replacement Heifer, Peyton McGowan: FFA Reserve Champion Senior Beef Showman, Taylor Filkins: Kern Bred & Fed Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb, Lauren Fulghum: FFA Reserve Champion Natural, Ainsley Erickson: Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog, Luke Martin: FFA Champion Swine Showman, Ainsley Erickson: FFA Reserve Champion Showman, Ainsley Erickson: Champion Breeding Swine Female, Max Morrow: Kern Born & Bred Reserve Grand Champion Dairy Heifer, Lindsey Davis: Grand and Reserve Champion Mediterranean Breed Poultry
Congratulations to all our members for their hard work and outstanding achievements this year. Your dedication, leadership, and passion continue to make our chapter, section, and region proud. We celebrate your grace, grit, and gratitude, and we are incredibly proud of your remarkable contributions!
In July, we kicked off our 2022-3023 year with a three-day officer retreat set in Morro Bay. Our officers faced their first challenge by stepping back into the '80s to save the future. With unwavering determination, they encountered Teddy Ruxpin, Mrs. Pac-Man, a dial phone, and even cassette tapes! Despite their high ponytails, flipped collars, and fluorescent clothes, they successfully safeguarded the world for another day. During their time together, they participated in team-building exercises, honed life skills, and poured their hearts into leadership workshops, all while forging strong bonds. They established their Plan of Action (POA) for the year, meticulously planning monthly meetings with special activities. Their chosen theme? “Paving the Future.” Driven by a sense of responsibility for their own futures, they aimed to pave their own unique road to success and lay the foundation for what lies ahead.
Our chapter experienced one of its greatest blessings this year with the addition of Mrs. Hastin—an amazing teacher, advisor, and coach. Despite our small size, our mighty chapter actively participated in over 35 events. These ranged from regular chapter and community service days to leadership conferences. Prior to the fair, we hosted our very first Showmanship Classic at Mrs. Love’s house. This initiative aimed to better prepare students for our county fair, and we even brought in special judges for each species. Winners proudly received banners.
In our CDE and LDE events, our Small Engines Team secured a top spot in the state finals, ranking 5th overall. Additionally, Peter Hay achieved 2nd place in the individual category. Three of our public speaking students advanced to Regionals in Job Interview, Extemporaneous, and Creed. Abby Cook performed admirably, securing 6th place in Extemporaneous at the regional level. Our Parli Pro team excelled, winning the SV section. Several students received high individual honors, and they went on to represent us at the regional level. Luke Ostly clinched another State title in the Area of Proficiencies with his SAE Forestry Management project.
Our chapter took part in many events on the sectional level, Regional and State, such as ALA and MFE, field days, State Conference, farm leadership, GLC, and SLE. We had candidates make slate for both region and section. Mark Kovacevich was a candidate for State office, and he won the Almond Board Scholarship at State Convention. Many of our members competed in LDEs and CDEs, bringing home a variety of ribbons, medals, and plaques. On campus, many chapter events were held, including monthly meetings, FFA Week events like “Kiss the Lamb,” and community service events such as “Colors of Christmas.”
The Kern County Fair was a resounding success, with 24 members showcasing 6 livestock species. Notable achievements include: Dani Lugo: Reserve Grand Champion Market Beef, Emma Judge: Reserve Champion Open Heifer, Clarence Leach: Champion English, Madelyn Rudnick: Champion Bred Heifer, Peyton McGowan: Champion AOC Middle Wt., Tristan Leach: Champion Mini Beef, Braeden Hanson: Reserve Champion Suffolk, Grace Wilkes: Reserve Champion Speck & Reserve Champion Heavy Wt., Filkins: Kern Bred & Fed Champion and Reserve Champion Market Sheep, Lauren Smith: Reserve Fed and Bred Heavy Wt. Market Goat, Ryleigh Perry: Reserve Champ Middle Wt. Market Goat, Ainsley Erickson: Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog, 1st Place Overall Hog Showman, Layla Ellis: Champion Lt. Cross Market Hog
Congratulations to all our members who went above and beyond this year and who proudly represented our chapter, section, and region so well. We love your Grace, Grit and Gratitude and applaud your outstanding efforts!
Officer video Skit- "Outer Banks"
The 2021 year was one jammed pack with wonderful memories. The year started off with the annual officer retreat. The officer team spent two days in Morro Bay to work on plans for the year and make memories. They developed the theme of It’s Our Time, emphasizing the importance of reclaiming the experiences that COVID had taken from the chapter. And this year did just that, it reclaimed what the FFA holds so dear, our community. COVID had made everyone disconnected from each other and with BCHS going back to on-campus learning, this was the perfect opportunity to regain our fellowship with one another.
The chapter took part in many events including section events, MFE, ALA, many field days, State Conference, and farm leadership. This year our very own Savanah Downs was a finalist for State office, Mark Kovacevich was voted in as section president, and our livestock team was a state finalist. Many of our members competed in LDEs and CDEs bringing home a variety of ribbons, metals, and plaques. We did exceptionally well with proficiencies with two national winners; Savanah Downs:Specialty Crop Production and Emily Wise: Agricultural Sales Placement. On campus many chapter events were held including monthly meetings and Chapter Officer Leadership Conference.
Kern County Fair was a success with 20 members showing 6 livestock species. Top results were Maggie Lugo: Grand Champion Market Beef, Lauren Smith: Grand Champion Pygmy Goat Wether, and Lauren Fulghum: Reserve Champion Middle Wt. Kern Bred & Fed.
The 2020-21 BCHS FFA year was one for the record books and is held very dear to our chapter’s hearts.
Current & incoming students click here for the link to the Kern County Fair application!